I was SO thrilled when I found out about runway2life! A fellow beauty queen, Mrs. Virginia is a huge part of making this happen in Richmond, VA. I was scheduled to fly out there this Thursday and be a part of this amazing event on Friday.
Well of course my poor planning didn't realize that this was Easter weekend and I would have my kids. So I canceled my flight because obviously family comes first, but I still want to raise awareness for this!
This fabulous show is to promote the non-profit organization RUNWAY2LIFE.
This is full of resources, support groups and education on how to cope with and heal from depression, anxiety, surviving abuse, suicidal ideations, stress, big life changes, etc. The list of resources is quite impressive! I'm thoroughly impressed by this and I was REALLY excited to be a part of it.
Although I cannot be there, 52 Reclaim Journals will be sent to the models that are a part of this show. This pulled on my heart because each of the models has a hero story, in which they overcame their struggles with depression, anxiety and suicide and rose up. They embrace their brokenness and have gained the confidence to speak about it, share their story, and help others!
These models are the reason this Reclaim Journal was ever written. There were certain people in my life that had gone through what I was going through. Without their voice and their story, I never would have had the courage to do what I needed to do, get the help I needed, and move in the right direction!
Thank you, runway2life crew! Everyone involved! I'm so bummed that I can't make it, but I'm excited to be a part of this for years to come.
Look this up, y'all!
What they have done is incredible!
You can find more info on their Facebook page @runway2life and IG @runway2life